Scarlet City is offering a revamped digital worship gathering that prioritizes spiritual formation through contemplative prayer, celebratory music, and a Christ-centered message. The online gatherings will be posted to Scarlet City’s YouTube channel each Sunday at 9AM and will last about 35 minutes. The sermon series for Advent is Waiting and will focus on bringing our core longings to Jesus.
Advent Wreath
The Advent wreath is a tradition that uses candles to highlight the five themes of Advent (Hope, Prepare, Joy, Love, and Peace). Four candles are placed in a circle with a new candle being lit each week. The first candle is placed in the center, lit on Christmas Day and represents the illumination of the incarnation of Jesus. You may use your own candles and wreath, or you can purchase them from the button below.
Spiritual Director and Clintonville resident, Deb Gregory has written an Advent guide to be used with the lighting of the candles each Sunday. It provides a liturgy following the Book of Common Prayer and also incorporates a reflection on artwork by Cody Wood. Download by clicking the button below.
Daily Devotional - A Living Hope

Scarlet City is utilizing the Christianity Today Advent 2020 resources. Below are buttons for you to download each of the resources, including a bible reading calendar, a devotional, a bible study, and creative ideas to do for families.
Scarlet City Kids
Suggestions on different resources to help engage children in this Advent season can be found on the Scarlet City Kids Resources page.